Sarv Rang Product Data


polyester topcoat COATINGS


Sarv coat 4968 is baking hard topcoat enamel based on modified saturated polyester resin.


Physical Data


Finish............................................... Gloss, semi gloss

Colour............................................. Upon request

Volume Solids............................... 46±2%

Specific Gravity............................ 1.1 ±0.01 gr/cm3

D.F.T............................................... 46-60 microns

Flash point..................................... 23 °C

Theoretical coverage.................... 11.5-9.2 sqm/lit

                                                          9.2-7.36 sqm/kg

Practical Coverage....................... Depends on loss factor

Flash of time ................................. 10-15 min

Baking temperature..................... 150-160 °C

Baking timer.................................. 25-30 min

Shelf life......................................... 1 year



Outstanding Characteristics

  • Excellent gloss & color retention
  • Excellent sprayability
  • High adhesion to different metallic surfaces
  • Good hardness.

Recommended Use

For use on methal surfaces (specially nonferrous metals) where a hard, glossy and adherent finish coat is required, specially in roll coating .

Surface Preparation

The surface must be clean, dry and free from rust, mill scale, salt and loose paint. Sand blasting or wire brushing to a standard of ST 2 (SA.2.5, SIS 05 5900, ISO 8501-1) is repuired.

دفتر مرکزی: تهران، آیت الله کاشانی، نبش میدان چهارباغ، ساختمان سبز، واحد 37  کد پستی: 1473913774

تلفن: 44434230 - 46135826 - 46135189 - 46135417 - 44037529 - 44037534 - 44037532

فکس: 46135203  ایمیل:

آدرس کارخانه: جاده خاوران، کیلومتر 9 شریف آباد، بعد از شهرک صنعتی عباس آباد، انتهای بلوار نگار