Sarv Rang Product Data


Epoxy polyamine top coat COATINGS


Sarv coat 8826 is a two component, amine adduct cured, epoxy topcoat.


Physical Data


Finish............................................... Gloss

Colour............................................. Upon request

Volume Solids............................... 54 %

Specific Gravity............................ 1.3±0.05 gr/cm3

Flash Point..................................... 23°C

Reconnended D.F.T  ................... 50-70 microns

Thermal coverage......................... 10.8-7.7 sqm/lit

                                                          8.3-5.9 sqm/kg

Practical Coverage....................... Depends on loss factor

Touch dry....................................... 2 hrs at 20°C

Hard dry......................................... 1 week at 20°C

Thermal Resistance...................... 140°C

Shelf life ........................................ 1 year at 25°C


Application Details

Application method .................... Air/Airless Spray Bursh, Roller

Nozzle orifice................................. .021"

Nozzle pressure............................. 150 bar/2200 Psi

Application temperature............. 10-50°C

Mixing ratio................................... Base / hardener/10/ 1by weight

Thinner/Cleaner............................ SVT-88

Pot life ............................................ 2 hrs at 20°C

Recoat interval.............................. Min 24 hrs

                                                           Max 72 hrs

Outstanding Characteristics

  • Excellent mechanical strength.
  • High oil resistance      
  • High chemical resistance against acids, alkalies & solvents.
  • No toxicity

Recommended Use

As an epoxy topcoat with excellent chemical and mechanical properties, suitable for coating chemical products containers.

Surface Preparation

The surface must be clean and dry. All dirt, grease, mill- scales and any other foreign materials should be removed. Old primed surfaces must be smoothly wire brushed.


دفتر مرکزی: تهران، آیت الله کاشانی، نبش میدان چهارباغ، ساختمان سبز، واحد 37  کد پستی: 1473913774

تلفن: 44434230 - 46135826 - 46135189 - 46135417 - 44037529 - 44037534 - 44037532

فکس: 46135203  ایمیل:

آدرس کارخانه: جاده خاوران، کیلومتر 9 شریف آباد، بعد از شهرک صنعتی عباس آباد، انتهای بلوار نگار